
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Liam Week 6 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS


Redesign of transport


I have redesigned a train and I added solar panels and some LED lights and a battery pack. The solar panels will catch light from the sun allowing the train to move instead of the old fashioned way of moving by rail. The LED lights are to light the way in the dark and are more energy efficient and use less electricity compared to ordinary light bulbs. The battery pack is used to store the extra solar energy when its not being used or at night otherwise the extra solar power will go to waste. The train is made from recycled metal this is more environment friendly because it saves natural ore and reduces energy and resources that go into mining metal also reducing emissions and greenhouse gases. Electric cars are quiet and electric trains are quiet so my redesign doesn't disturb the environment by being noisey.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Steam challenge food packaging

My food packaging is environmentally friendly because its reusable so that means you can use the same container over and over again. A plastic container can last for 5 to 10 years and at the end of its life you can recycle it. I also thought of some other ideas like:

Corn husks 
Taro Leaves
Harakeke bag
Plastic container 
Paper bag
Glass jar 
Beeswax wrappers

These might also be good ideas for food packaging.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Elephants electric tooth brush design


Elephants have 26 teeth including their tusks so I have included 24 small brushes for their molar teeth and two extra large brushes on the outside that will clean their tusks. My design has a soft gel mouth guard so it doesn't hurt the elephants mouth it also is very quiet so it does not scare the elephants. It has a long handle for the zoo keepers to reach up high to brush their teeth. The shape is like a mouth so it fits nicely insides the elephants mouth. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

My mini beast adventure


My mini Beast adventure

There was once a flying caterpillar called Joe, his features were wings legs and stripes and a stinger. He pollinates native flowers and eats tiny insects.His predators are big huge birds, like a pukeko or a tui and ducks. He pollinates flowers with 19 others since they only released 20 of them it takes 3 years for them to reproduce babys. Joe Lived a nice life until one day the birds were coming everybody panicked and ran to their little bushes to hide but Joe was the only one still outside and a pukeko was chasing him he tried to fly off but he got hit by a car windshield and flew into a forest on the other side of the road. Joe got up and tried to walk home but then he saw an older flying caterpillar his name was Arthur he was very old his wings were weak and legs were tired until Joe found him he wanted to get home but the caterpillar said he wasn’t ready yet he was only a small soft flying caterpillar so he was trained. He first tried a  punching bag that arthur made from feathers and some wool from a sheep that died from a wolf a long time ago so he told Joe to try punch it hard but joe went soft on it he needed rage so Arthur said a insult like what a bird would say and Joe got madder and madder and punched it so hard it almost broke the bag so he kept on making him angry to punch the bag until he broke it then he was lifting weights to get stronger and stronger that Arthur made from a small stick and 2 tiny rocks and then he tried dodging if the birds tried to bite him or something so Arthur threw things that were very light other wise they would fall and barely touch joe he got hit a bunch of times but then he knew what he had to do so when he threw a tiny stick and ducked down and turned left and right and jumped and then he was ready and then Arthur told him how he could get home he said to listen his way home and then in a second he vanished. Joe was surprised but didnt get what he meant by listen his way home but then he heard the noise it was the birds trying to destory the other caterpillars bushes and Joe knew what he had to do so he went on as the sound got higher and higher and saw the road but he forgot he could fly so he flew over the cars. Flying over the road was making him a bit tired but he kept on going and reached his home then he learnt what he trained for and smacked a pukeko in the face and the other birds tried to fight back but he kept smacking them so they flew away. Joe was the protector of flying caterpillars but he couldn’t do it alone so he trained the other flying caterpillars how to fight back because the stinger wasn’t enough so he told them what Arthur said and after fighting for 3 years they started to reproduce babies and they lived a happy life forever.

The End.

Monday, November 8, 2021

My mini beast


We are going to release 20 flying caterpillars into the Papakura area my flying caterpillar takes 3 years to reproduce. During this time they are going to pollinate lots of flowers and native plants around the Pahurehure inlet helping them grow faster and clean the water which will hopefully give us a nice clean swimming beach. He has wings that help him fly away quickly and a very large stinger that protects him from predators.

Week 3 T4 distance learning


Friday, October 22, 2021

Week 1 T4 2021 Distance learning


Inlet poster

Come to the Pahurehure Inlet for fun activities and more 

When: Date 23 Oct 2021 Time: 1:00 PM

Where: Pahurehure Inlet 

Come join us at the Pahurehure Inlet, we can teach people of how to protect and save the inlet. The rules of what not to do at the Inlet like throw litter in the water and just leaving it there, making it pollute the water killling the wildlife. Helping the wildlife animals can really help us with protecting the wildlife. We can have a Community BBQ where you can teach people that don’t know how to protect our Inlet. We can Learn, Help, and even have fun doing it

Friday, October 1, 2021

My finger print


This is my create about finger prints. In the video you needed a pencil tape and paper. You first draw a very big dark black on your paper then take a small piece of tape out to fit your finger your using then rub your finger on your forehead to make it more nice and more oily then push your finger on the dark black and the same on the piece of tape and place the tape on the paper to see your finger print.  
My finger print was a loop.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Human Body Writing : Heart

Human body writing : Heart 

The heart is like in the little left of your chest that pumps blood into every part of your body from your head to your toes. Its also the size of a human fist and is next to your lungs. Your heart isnt like those images of them or drawings their actually different than that instead of those like 2 little bumps at the top it has like things sticking out like tubes or like little trees with no leaves their still red tho. The heart is pretty important it delivers oxygen to your cells helping your body. Its pretty tough tho it works harder than any part in your body but if it has damage then its more difficult to pump blood to your body parts so you need to take care of the heart so it doesn’t get damaged alot. The drinks good for your heart are water,milk,whole fruit juice,tea,sports drinks,coffee,soft drinks. The foods that are bad for your heart are sugar, Salt, Fat. Over time, high amounts of salt, sugar, saturated fat, and refined carbs raise your risk for a heart attack or stroke Bacon Red Meat Soda Baked Goods Processed MeatsWhite Rice, Bread, and Pasta Pizza. The way to calm a racing heart is Breathe deeply. It will help you relax until your palpitations pass. Splash your face with cold water. It stimulates a nerve that controls your heart rate. Don't panic. Stress and anxiety will make your palpitations worse. The heart prossesses a communication system with the brain do any of the body's other major organs. Through this system of afferent (ascending) neural pathways, the heart actually sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Week 9 writing when i got super powers

 The day i woke up with super powers

Once upon a time i was in a town doing what i like to do

Until one day when i woke up i started to see that i was flying and then when i tried to make toast my hand burned it to toast and melted the butter onto the toast and i tried to grab the toast but it was floating into my mouth and when i went to work i just flew there and into the room i had to work and explain things while flying and sleep everynight while flying infact i was flying everywhere and everyday then i had to fly to places instead of cars planes buses and trains and it would take a long time to get where i wanted to i would always hit my head on the top of the door everytime because i was flying and the blanket when i sleep if i sleep with somebody else i steal their blanket i cant grab any thing on the floor because im flying not even clothes or food but i can grab high things for smaller people i sometimes even drop food that i eat and cant grab it and thats what happened when i got super powers. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Week 8 Writing The vegetarian disaster

The vegetarian disaster

It was a fine day with people buying helping and playing everything was fine until there was a man that moved in he was a guy who loved to eat vegetables all the time he wouldn’t eat meat grains even fruits he would just like to eat the vegetables even when he has a sport he doesn’t eat the protein food he just eats vegetables but after eatting only vegetables after 10 weeks it happened he started to turn green like a zombie and then he started to grab vegetables and fed it to any body in sight like a then everybody have a great time looked at his house and then he was walking to everybody with vegetables then everybody started to scream then people started to eat vegetables started to turn green like him even tho they didnt eat alot of vegetables after 10 weeks then people were trying to hide and try find a way to bring the affected people but then one had meat and then he threw it at a affected person and then he turned back to normal after he swallowed the meat then they realised that meat was the item to bring them back to a normal person. After a few minutes they had alot of meat to throw at the affected people then they saw some coming with vegetables too then they were throwing the meat to the affected people and they turned back but they still had to find the guy who only eats vegetables after they got everybody else who got affected and told everybody to stop eatting vegetables then they saw him eatting so many vegetables and tried to throw but then he ran inside to still eat to get bigger as fast as he can get larger from the vegetables and when they busted in they saw he was so big and then they saw a huge green giant and they realised they need a bigger then they got alot and a bunch of meat and used pistons to combine them all together and make the mega meat and they used a cannon to big enough to fit it in and then shot it into the guys mouth and waited until his mouth opened and then the cannon shot it into his mouth and then he turned smaller and his skin was turning back to normal and then he realised that eatting vegetables all the time was dangerous and then from now on he would only eat vegetables some times and eat another things instead of vegetables all the time and he was again.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Purpose: to narrate Spider man VS The evil robot

 Spider man VS The evil Robot

One day ago. There was a hero named Spider man a person with the powers to shoot webs and stick the things the webs hit. He can beat any kind of villain sometimes. Tho but he had a good time until that day. Things started to explode everywhere they were blowing up the road the buildings even the hovering rails that the train goes on. Because of that people started to panic and were running everywhere trying to avoid the explosions. Spider man heard the sound and decided to try figure out what was happening to the city and then he heard a explosion and saw the rails exploded and then he saw the train coming and the driver saw and tryed to brake but it wasn’t enough spider man tried to stop pushing it but it didnt work but he had a idea and used his webs to try stop the train and he thought it wouldn’t work but it did work, but he still had to figure out whos causing the explosions then he saw a piece of dynamite got thrown to a building then he looked up and saw it was a villain minion in a flying machine trying to throw dynamite. Spider man used his webs to get up and tried to break the machine while the minion didnt noice, but then he saw the boss of him come in spider man gasped and then saw that the boss was a robot. the robot the minions created because they were bored of doing nothing every day. Spider man tried to break the robot boss machine but it was too far away on the top of the boss machine he used his webs but the machine chopped it, he wasn’t trying hard enough but then he had a idea so he started to stand still on a building and the robot thought he was giving up and then. Spider man shot a web to the top of the machine and broke the machine. Then he destoryed the machine the minions gasped and started to run but they couldn’t. had to rebuild what ever they destroyed and had to leave to not cause this again the city was was saved and spider man was happy he thought he they were gone, but at least he thought the were still coming back and were gonna fight back and decided to get another boss again.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My name in Chinese

利亚姆 - pronunciation (PinYin) : lì yà mÇ”

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Are video games good or bad?

 I believe video games are good because you can play even when the weathers bad to stay out of trouble.

Learn to interact with others.

Collaborate with others and connect globally.

Learn information in a fan way.

Build and create to learn.

Mine craft teachers can set challenges which support learning.

You can help friends be with friends and build with friends.

Building together helps build faster in sandbox games.

You can even fight along with friends.

learn new things and build new things.

make animations with them.

when you build 1 thing the city starts to get bigger and bigger.

you can even make things that move by using red stone materials

building with friends grows your city even bigger and bigger.

you can even make your own mini games and let random people or your friends or your self try out to see if it works.

Expanding can make the building higher and higher.

you can let your imagination run wild by expanding your city or whatever your making.

By Liam :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Music or sports?

 I believe music is better because it has catchy music For anyone around the world.

The music sounds are nice for any body to listen to. 

It has kid music that have the perfect words for kids

Music good for kids that they can listen at.

Music perfect for kids small kids and big kids.

It has good music for anyone to watch.

Music for kids teens and adults to hear.

Anybody can listen to music because it has catchy sounds nice sounds and smooth sounds.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Frogs by the boys S.T.E.A.M Rotation


Me cooper B robert P and slaine G made this theres alot of things to know about frogs :)

Friday, July 30, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Should we have zoos? writing

 Argument 1: zoos are kinda good for animals because.

 Its easier to get food from the zoo keepers. 

And they be careful and gentle to the animals. 

Argument 2: The exotic animals make people wanna learn about them.

  Some people like animals some don't.


Argument 3: The animals also have good tricks.

And some don't have only look good.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Silly Billy


Once upon a time there was a boy named billy. But everybody called him silly billy. The reason was simple he was the most silliest boy ever. He went to a school. And he was the funniest kid ever at school. he would make all the boys and girls laugh. sadly he always interrupts  the teacher and gets growled at. But it doesn't bother him only sometimes. and the teacher makes me sulk in Detention. He still puts all the traps in the house in after their used on someone even the school. but one day they all were fed up of billy  and make one of his traps go wrong one in the classroom. somebody was putting rubbish but the trap didn't work billy was confused. he soon saw what happened he saw somebody holding his trap he was chasing him around the whole school and destroyed so many stuff. And at the end everybody was so mad he was in detention for hours. at last he was time to go he had to take all the traps out of the house the school even the dog and food. He per tended he was sorry and lied and put all the traps back put sometimes he would always get busted.

Monday, June 28, 2021


 Lions have compact bodies. They only eat meat. They can eat animals like birds hares and other sorts of animals. they are yellow-gold they also have sharp teeth and jaws and powerful fore legs. The male lion weigh 330 to 570 pounds. Males also weigh 190 kg. Females weigh 126 kg. Females also weigh 270 to 400 pounds. the scientific name is panther a Leo. Lion cubs eyes open at 3 to 11 days. Their birth weigh is 1.5 kg. Fully grown is 3-4 years . Their hunting skills achieved at 2 years old.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Rotation Translation Reflection DLO


This is my D L O from a arts rotation 
Rotation a circular movement of an object around the center
Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.
Reflection is the process by which light and heat are sent back from a surface and do not pass through it.

Liam week 7 term 2 reading


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Week 7 term 2 writing

 The pygmy seahorse is one of the smallest species in the world. 

They hide from predators like big fish.

 The Scientific name is hippo campus bargi banti. 

They are found in the in do west pacific ocean. 

Their size is 2 cm very small that its hard to see in the ocean. 

There are seven different species of seahorse's. 

Pygmy seahorse's are very good at camouflage because they are small and need to hide. 

They live in the sea fan coral which comes in the colours orange and purple.

 The pygmy seahorse's change colour to either orange and purple so they can camouflage and hide.

 Baby seahorse's start brown in colour.

 If they die seahorse's will all be no more again. Degradation means die and destroyed forever.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Minecraft club


This is my minecraft club Castle i made i hope you like it :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Purpose narrate

Purpose Narrate

Once upon a time i went on a trip somewhere on a boat then the boat started to sink in the water. After

it sank i found my self in samoan like a tropical island. I was eating food i’ve never tried before and

things i’ve never tried t before. I learned samoan language like banana aka fa’i. Soon i was trying to

fix a va’a that is a boat once it was done i sailed off back to home. But when i was home i was still

thinking about the sites of samoan. The food the fresh water and everything else that's nice and

calm. The end.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Friday, March 26, 2021

discovering a new planet

 One day a rocket ship was about to blast off soon then the count down started in 3 seconds 3.2.1 BLAST OFF!!!!!! And the rocket went off now it was in space looking at the solar system and planets his mission was to find a new planet soon he was a bit far away from earth then he saw a star that was a sun but then he there was a small planet it was blue and round and had small rings and bright so he landed on the planet and took a walk he climbed a hill and placed a flag off the earth then took another walk on the planet but not far he gathered some rocks from the planet then headed back to the rocket ship then blasted off back but had a hard time in space from the space rocks flying everywhere but he made it still to earth and landed on the space craft then showed the people it they though it was from the ice giants but it wasn’t so they did more research and the space man got famous and tried to find a name for it and it was named 3.0 The end :)


 I want the senior playground to be redone because its only 1 color thats silver and the flying fox moves that can make you get flung off so if i wanted it to be redone is i would ask for permission from the principal and see if i could build it but i cant build it by my self so i would have to get builders to help and supplies for it to be spare parts for it incase so those are what and who i need for it now i need to find where to build it and why i would build i where would be easy for me becausei just destory the play ground and redo it why? Because  the old one looks like theres gaps wet in the rain and looks old a bit thats why i want the senior playground to be redone thats all :D